Translating research into policy and practice - sharing our findings and expertise around the state, country and world
Home to innovative research programs and renowned leaders in the field of disabilities
Research centers and community programs
Pride Points Heading link
Leverage For every $1 that we receive from our core federal grant, we leverage an additional $16.80 from federal, state, local and other funding sources
Influence Our subject-matter experts facilitate the public policy debate, legislative activity and advocacy efforts in the disability field through their research findings
Expertise Our research advances the areas of participation among people with disabilities, employment and entrepreneurship, family support, aging, health promotion and community living
Promoting Systems Change Heading link

We serve as a resource to the State to promote systems change for people with disabilities and their families in Illinois and beyond. We play a leading role in Illinois in conducting research and evaluations of programs and policies that directly impact Illinois residents with developmental disabilities and their families. Our Evaluation and Public Policy Unit is available to assist agencies, organizations, universities and state and government departments with evaluation and training needs.