Bringing you services that are based on the latest in research and best practices
Developmental Disabilities Family Clinic Heading link
Renowned for its work promoting model services to unserved and underrepresented groups
Our Developmental Disabilities Family Clinic is fully bilingual and bicultural—one of very few in the state—with interdisciplinary expertise in developmental disabilities, including autism, meeting a huge need for services—diagnostic, counseling, support groups and education—for persons with disabilities, their families and professionals. Our clinic’s lifespan approach provides individuals and families with seamless supports and services including those offered through two of our specialty programs.
The Autism Clinic and the TAP Training Center
The Autism Clinic and the TAP Training Center works to enhance the lives of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder through service, training and research. This includes social skills groups, mentoring of college students, diagnostics, webinars, assistive technology and monthly meetings on the latest in autism research and practice.
The Child and Family Development Center
The Child and Family Development Center Early Intervention Program offers coordinated interdisciplinary services in early intervention and early education. It promotes positive outcomes for children and their families through play-based evaluation and therapy services; routine-based interventions; and family support, education, and training.

UIC Assistive Technology Unit Heading link